
Recommended by Bill Gates: 9 TED Talks to watch

Bill Gates especially recommends these 9 TED Talks. I think everyone should take a look at them.

In an interview with Time magazine, Bill Gates also highlighted, as he says, the most important book he has ever read. It's a book Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think. In this book, Hans Rosling uses statistics from a range of highly respected sources to show the world that it can be better and more beautiful with the help of science and technology.

Of course, Gates does not believe that the world will improve significantly on its own. Quite the opposite. This greatest philanthropist in the world and definitely one of the most successful and breakthrough entrepreneurs of all time tells us that some ideas are very important and everyone should know about them.

Revolutionary ideas that complement the ideas covered in the book Factfulness are also presented in these nine TED talks (TED Talks).

1. The best stats you've ever seen

2. How not to be ignorant of the world

3. Global population growth

4. Religion and babies

5. Why the world population will not exceed 11 billion

6. Magic washing machine

7. New perspectives on poverty

8. The rise of Asia: how and when

9. River of mythology

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