
Places in the home that are breeding grounds for bacteria, but are often overlooked when cleaning

Photo: envato

In the relentless pursuit of cleanliness, there remain some places that can be overlooked when cleaning the home. A surprising amount of germs and dirt can be found on them. While these places silently accumulate bacteria, they often escape our cleaning routines, mainly because they are not on our cleaning list.

These overlooked areas, from the switches and knobs we touch multiple times a day to the hidden vents behind our refrigerators, they play an important role in general cleanliness and the health of our living spaces. Similarly devices, which we use constantly, such as mobile phones and keyboards, and appliances we rely on, such as dishwashers, they demand more attention as usual.

1. Switches, handles and hooks

Our hands are the main means of transmitting germs. From the front door handle to the kitchen cabinet knobs, they are ideal points for microbial development. Disinfecting these areas regularly can significantly reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses in your home.

Photo: Pixabay/Pexels

2. Ventilator on the refrigerator

The hidden area behind your refrigerator may not be in plain sight and is often overlooked when cleaning. In the ventilation openings it is possible collect dust, pet hair and other debris, which reduces the efficiency of the device and can become a breeding ground for mold. By moving the refrigerator away from the wall and vacuuming these vents every few months, you can improve the operation of the refrigerator and the air quality in the kitchen.

3. Mobile phones and keyboards

Think about how often you touch yourself mobile phone or keyboard, then think about the last time you cleaned them. Studies have shown that these devices can contain more germs than a toilet bowl. However, they rarely are cleaned so thoroughly or as often as they should be. Alcohol-based wipes or microfiber cloths with appropriate disinfectants can keep these personal items germ-free.

When cleaning, also pay attention to keyboards, mice and the computer. Photo: Robgrad/Pexels

4. Dishwasher

It's easy to assume that a device whose only function is cleaning would be clean by default. However, the moist, warm environment inside dishwashers is ideal for fungal and bacterial growth. Food particles and grease can also accumulate, causing unpleasant odors and affecting the performance of the machine. Regular cleaning of the filter, wiping the seals and running hot water with dishwasher detergent can ensure your dishes are as clean as they should be.

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