
Potholes in the road as a canvas for beautiful mosaics

Mosaics in place of potholes

Potholes are a harsh reality of many roads and sidewalks. Since the authorities usually start very late, drivers can often only protest helplessly, "break the teeth" of vehicles, and cyclists burst tires. If some time ago we met an artist who drew attention to the holes and cracks of those responsible by drawing penises, Jim Bachor approached the matter differently. Instead of waiting and asking the authorities to send a construction company with asphalt over the potholes, he patches the potholes himself with beautiful mosaics.

Potholes in the road are an integral part of many roads. And while calling the authorities usually doesn't bear fruit, or with excruciating delay, it does Jim Bachor decided to please the drivers with road guerilla and turns potholes into works of art.

READ MORE: Road Guerrilla - Wanksy with his penis over the potholes and cracks in the road

A mosaic instead of a pothole.
A mosaic instead of a pothole.

Bachor se patching holes first tackled three years ago, when in his native Chicago he turned them into beautiful mosaics, each with a different motive. At first he played with the serial numbers to emphasize the prevalence of holes, which in some places were more than in Swiss cheese. In some of the mosaics, he included the phone numbers of nearby auto repair shops, and later he started creating more aesthetic motives. From flowers to ice cream and other motifs. Bachor is recent on Kickstarter also successfully collected fresh financial resources to continue his project.

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