
Strong people are not born, but created by life's challenges

The last dance / Photo: Netflix

It's not that some people are born strong. it is not that they have had more opportunities and privileges in life. It wasn't as easy for them as you might think.

No one is born strong, in fact quite the opposite, these people have been through a lot more than you can imagine. They went through hell many times but always found a way to get out of it. This is what made them what they are today. This is how they built their strength, developed their character and became strong.

With each challenge, they only grew mentally and emotionally.

These are the qualities that strong people have:

1. They know and love their flaws

Their goal is not to be perfect, but to be human. To feel every emotion in their body. That they enjoy the light in their lives, but also survive the dark days. That they are exactly who they are, regardless of what anyone tells them they should be. They are strong because they appreciate their imperfections and learn from their mistakes.

Believe in yourself. Photo: Andre Furtado / Pexels

2. They believe in themselves

Strong people they know their strengths, but they also know their weaknesses. And they accept them as part of their nature. These individuals know exactly what they want out of life and know how to achieve it. It is their inner voice that guides them on the path of life, and their will is what keeps them upright.

3. They realize that as humans they make mistakes

And that no matter how much they learn and grow, they will always make mistakes. What they do differently than the rest is that instead of letting their mistakes deter them, they choose to treat them as stepping stones.

4. They don't need validation from others to know their worth

They don't need recognition from other people to feel good about themselves. Their happiness comes from within. It is something that only they create. Something that no one can take away from them.

No one is born strong. Photo: Alasdair Braxton / Pexels

5. They are not afraid to feel what they feel

They are not afraid to experience their emotions in all their fullness. They know that they are here to remind them that they are alive. That we are all human after all. And that to feel is to exist.

6. They are sincere and have pure intentions

The truth is the only thing, in which they believe. They know that honesty will get them anywhere. Not only that, it will enrich their lives and give them the peace of mind you need. Being honest is a very virtuous and admirable quality. Especially in today's world.

7. They try to change and improve themselves, not others

Their first and foremost goal in life is growth. Growing through a lot of struggles, a lot of work, a lot of problems, and a lot of lessons. Strong people live their lives in search of meaning. They are always focused on their own path and never on other people. Their goal is not to be better than others, but to be better than they were themselves. To change, to move, to improve.

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