
ARTish pre-holiday and Christmas fair

ARTish fair: five December dates to shop for the most unique gifts

We can even imagine the winter season without the ARTish fair, where Slovenian artists will present their unique products, proving that the creative energy on our soil is very strong. This year's ARTish fair took place on Gornji trg in the old and most beautiful part of Ljubljana for 7 months (from April to November). Lovers of unique gifts will also be able to buy them in December, as the fair opens its doors again in five dates.

Important information
KUCHA and Creative Center POLIGON
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Fair ARTish it's not just ordinary an art fair where creators gather. They became a real family, because this is a place, where visitors can rest their eyes, fill themselves with the creative energy spread by creators with their unique works, learn something new, gift themselves and chat with ARTishani.

KUCHA and Creative Center POLIGON will host the December ARTish this year.
KUCHA and Creative Center POLIGON will host the December ARTish this year.

This year ARTishani is next to the Hercules fountain in old Ljubljana spent 23 Saturdays, during which more than 70 Slovenian (and foreign) artists presented themselves. The 2019 season opens on March 31 at the Šiška Cinema, and December is ahead of us, when you will be able to buy or watch gifts that have a special story. Five dates when you can enjoy the works of art!

  • Miklavžev ARTish, KUCHA, December 6, 3:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m
  • PRE-holiday ARTish, Pionirski dom, Komenski 9, 15 and 16 December, 10:00-19:00
  • CHRISTMAS ARTish, Pionirski dom, Komenski 9, 22, 12, 10:00-20:00

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