
Prekmurje - With the storks at home

Let's go to the land of storks, where the locals call them "storks" - to Prekmurje, the land of plains and tall chimneys, the land of inspiration and friendly people. It measures as much as 974 km², and is divided into hilly Gorička, flat Dolinska and Ravenska, and the western part of the wine-producing Lendavske gorice.

It is the largest town in Prekmurje Murska Sobota, as well as the northernmost town in Slovenia and the starting point for many trips around Prekmurje. But even before we reach the town, let's turn at the exit for Bakovce and after a slightly longer drive, take a break and regain our energy with a delicious lunch in the hospitable inn Rajh, where they delight their guests with specialties of local Prekmurje and international cuisine. We treat ourselves to a piece of real Prekmurje gibnica with coffee, and those who are hungrier can opt for a warm lunch and enjoy discovering traditional Prekmurje dishes, of which there is a long list, everything from bograč, boiled beef with creamed horseradish, Prekmurje kolin with plump turnips, up to retaše, zlevanki, potato salad with pumpkin oil and various cakes. Because of the Prekmurje dialect, it is not necessary that we will understand exactly what we are ordering, but let us be surprised and enjoy their specialties, which certainly will not disappoint us. Then just continue, a few more kilometers to Murska Sobota, where there is a Bike center in the center of the city, open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. In the cycling center, in addition to viewing their wide range of bicycles, it is also possible to arrange a trip around Prekmurje on a bicycle. Under their brand Pomurje on Bike, a comprehensive system for the promotion of regional cycling tourism is united, and with a developed network of cycling routes, it combines cyclist-friendly guesthouses, bike rental shops, service stations and natural and cultural attractions. So we can decide to discover Prekmurje by bike and choose our favorite cycling route. But we can opt for a slightly different bike, which enables "rolling fun" for seven cyclists in their Bike Center in Moravske Toplice. On an attractive bicycle called the Conference Bike, he sits in a circle of seven people and drives the bike, while also having fun and enjoying lighthearted conversation. We will charge 12.5 euros per person for one hour of rental, but we can have fun on it all day. After the ride, it's time to relax, which is provided by Terme 3000 in Moravske Toplice. First, we dive into their thermal springs, and then indulge in an energy massage with hot volcanic stones for 45.70 euros to prevent any muscle pain the next day.

Lect's heart and poppy fields
Now is the time to get to know the artistic and historical heritage of Prekmurje. Therefore, our next destination is the Selo settlement, which is adorned by the rotunda of St. Nicholas, an exceptional monument of round Romanesque architecture and Gothic painting. It was created in the middle of the 13th century. Its importance is enhanced by the high-quality paintings on the theme of passion, created at the beginning of the 15th century. After the tour, let's continue our journey to the beautiful sunny hill of Kermedina, look at the fields decorated with poppy flowers, and then learn about sweet local crafts. There, the third generation has been making a variety of gingerbreads, which are baked according to recipes that are several centuries old. Something special is their figural lecto pastry, among which a lecto heart proudly stands out, symbolizing love, joy, celebration, in short, everything good and beautiful. That's why we just decide on such a souvenir and make our loved ones happy with it, or we can buy healing pumpkin oil at one of the many tourist farms along the way. In Pomurje, the dark green liquid has established itself as a noble spice and exceptional food, which contributes to the refinement of the aroma and the recognition of the taste of traditional culinary and gastronomic practice. Its extraordinary effects are also promoted by doctors, who recommend it for poor bladder function and for lowering cholesterol. That's why we just take care of our body and don't go home without a bottle of health.

Spawning and harvesting
But many of us are already enjoying our vacations, so we can extend our adventure for at least another day or two. Only four kilometers from Moravske Toplice is the tourist farm Flisar, which in addition to the classic offer - accommodation and half board - also offers an active lifestyle on its farm. So we can get acquainted with the making of corn, help with the picking or take part in the harvest. But if the farm chores do not excite us, we can again ride "one round" on the bike and discover the many beauties of Prekmurje, which, unfortunately, cannot be experienced all in one day.

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PARADISE INN – Bakovci, Soboška ulica 32, Murska Sobota, (02) 543 90 98

BIKE CENTER – Obrtna 28, Murska Sobota

TERME 3000 – Kranjčeva ulica 12, Moravske Toplice, (02) 512 22 00

FLISAR TOURIST FARM – Dolga ul. 216, Moravske Toplice

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