
Get your arms ready for summer: Strengthen your upper arms in just 5 minutes a day!

Photo: envato

Looking forward to wearing dresses and tank tops, but not quite happy with the way your arms look? Do you want simple solutions to quickly strengthen muscles and improve skin tone? If the answer is yes, you are in the right place! With just 5 minutes of daily exercise and a few simple changes, you can achieve amazing results.

Summer is approaching, and the time for dresses and tank tops is just around the corner. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your hands, especially the inner part of the upper arm, with simple but effective five-minute exercises and some perseverance, you can manage to strengthen your muscles and improve your skin tone.

The life of the average adult is full challenges and stress, which must be overcome. Chronic lack of sleep, fast food and a lifestyle that includes smoking or fast diets can have a negative effect on the condition of muscles and skin.

Over the years, the body produces more and more less elastin, which causes loss of skin elasticity. Instead of resorting to radical measures like plastic surgery, you can achieve stunning results with a few simple changes and regular exercise.

Let's see how you can get the results you want with in four simple steps.

Drink lots of water

Hydration is key to maintaining skin elasticity. Dehydrated skin quickly loses its firmness. Drink several glasses of water every day - not tea or coffee, but plain water. This will make your skin tighter and healthier. Regular consumption of water helps the body to eliminate toxins and improves general well-being.

Don't forget the water. Photo: Adrienn / Pexels

Skin care with massage and preparations

Using lotions and massage techniques can significantly improve the appearance of your skin. Store-bought skin tightening lotions can be effective, but you can also create your own in your home kitchen. Homemade lotions and masks made from whipped egg whites, honey or olive oil can help improve the appearance of the skin. Massage stimulates blood circulation and increases collagen production, which improves skin elasticity.

A healthy diet without sugar

Diet has a huge impact on the appearance of your skin. A month without sweets can do wonders for your skin. Include in your diet foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals beneficial for the skin: marine fish, fruits, herbs, dairy products, nuts, vegetables and legumes. The occasional intake of B complex vitamins and good quality fish oil can also help maintain healthy skin.

A five-minute arm workout

Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Quick and effective five-minute arm exercises can help tone and shape your arm muscles. You don't need any special equipment for these exercises, just the force of gravity and a little space. In these exercises, in addition to the arms, you will also strengthen other muscle groups of the upper body. It is important to perform the exercises carefully and in a controlled manner, gradually increasing the intensity and avoiding sudden, jerky movements.

Exercise 1: arm lifts and rotations

Stand or kneel, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise your arms to the sides, pull your shoulders as far away from your ears as possible. Open your palms to the sky, then turn them toward the mat. Repeat the opening and closing motion of the palm 30 times. Extend your arms and hold them in this position for a few more seconds.

Exercise 2: Circling with arms

Arms should be extended at shoulder height. Turn your arms back from your shoulders three times, then forward three times. Repeat the cycle 30 times.

Exercise 3: Cross arms and lifts

Cross your arms at chest level. Then lift them back onto your shoulders. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

In addition to the mentioned exercises, also do planks! Photo: Miriam Alonso / Pexels

Exercise 4: Elbow squeeze

Hold your hands at shoulder height, bend them at the elbows. Squeeze your elbows together in front of your chest 30 times. When you spread your arms, try to bring your shoulder blades together on your back.

Exercise 5: Shrugs

Turn your palms towards the pillow. Move your hands up and down from your shoulders 30 times.

By doing these exercises regularly, you will strengthen the muscles of your hands and improve them skin tone. It is important to be consistent and persistent with your exercise routine. Over time, you will notice an improvement and feel more confident wearing summer dresses and tank tops.

Remember that the key to success is in small, daily steps.

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