
Prize game Kraš: Bajadera - the magic of ultimate pleasure

Bajadera is one of Kraš's most famous brands. This superb dessert combines Central European know-how in confectionary preparation and oriental luxury of flavors. Among all the fans of Kraš's sweet treats, we will give away a Bajadera bonbonniere to the one who answers the prize question correctly.

Bajadera is the queen of desserts, the delicious nougat is enriched with almonds, which gives it a unique, recognizable taste.

Prize question:

Answer the prize question and compete for a Bajadera bonbonniere (150g).

How old is the queen of pralines Bajadera celebrating this year? To help you find the answer, search at www.kras-slovenija.si

A: 40 years
B: 50 years
C: 60 years

The prize draw is closed

The award goes to:
Helena Mehle, Rozana Mužica, Nuša Kovač, Travdi Vogelnik, Tjaša Potisek

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