
Problems with the mother-in-law? These 5 tips will improve your relationship

Photo: Imdb.com

Probably, one of you has met a mother-in-law who does not show love, respect and understanding. The mother-in-law sometimes cannot accept the fact that her son has created his own family and that his wife is now the most important woman in his life. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding can destroy your relationship. You must remember that you cannot control what your mother-in-law will think and feel about you, but you can control how you react. Here are some tips for finding balance with your mother-in-law.

Mothers-in-law are women full of life experience. They are aware of this and sometimes know how to impose it his opinion as the only correct one, which can upset young women and destroy their relationship with their in-laws. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding can destroy your relationship. You must remember that you cannot influence it, what your mother-in-law will think and feel about you, but she can affect your reaction. A simple conversation or a small, nice gesture can improve a relationship. No matter how difficult it is for you at times, remember that this person is the mother of your husband or the grandmother of your children. In such situations, it is difficult to find a boundary and at the same time maintain your dignity and show respect for your husband's mother. If you are a mother yourself, you will probably have an easier time understanding how to deal with this problem.

1. If you think she is not being honest with you, tell her how you feel

Perhaps you have already experienced a situation where your mother-in-law comments on the way you raise your children, how you treat your husband or your home. These are situations where you need to respond decisively but cautiously. To avoid arguments and awkward situations, be patient and ask her to talk when you are alone and when tensions have subsided. Give her a chance to think about how she treats you.


2. Listen to your mother-in-law

It is not easy to be in a situation where someone constantly criticizes you, but some actions do not require a reaction, and this is one of those situations. If you want to improve the relationship, don't react violently or withdraw.

The best thing to do would be to have coffee with her and ask her why she is upset, if you have hurt her in any way, and what exactly is the reason why her negative energy is directed towards you. For example, if your mother-in-law hates you because you have a child from a previous marriage, by no means apologize, but allow her to speak her mind and try to build a stable relationship.

3. Ignore negative comments

It's not easy to hear how we could do something better every step of the way. Mothers-in-law sometimes use their life experiences to show that they are better than you. The best way to deal with a mother-in-law who doesn't love you is to try to accept her personality and try to simply ignore the criticism. If you have tried several times to establish your relationship and she does not want to participate in it, just give it up.

4. Meet your mother-in-law

Mothers-in-law usually think that it is the daughters-in-law who have to work harder for their relationship. If you care about a good relationship with your mother-in-law, try to hang out with her to get to know her better. Despite the fact that the most important thing for you is the happiness of your husband and children, you can still try to establish a friendly relationship.

5. Learn which battles are worth fighting with your mother-in-law

If problems with your mother-in-law are having a negative effect on your marriage, you don't have to think too much about the respect you have to show your mother-in-law as a younger person. It is a situation that you have the right to respond to. If your mother-in-law has a particularly bad attitude towards you and you have tried everything to fix the relationship for the good of your children and husband, it is time to end the relationship.

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