
Reasons why men think sex is the most important thing in the world

Do you think your man only thinks about sex? Hmm... Let us in on a secret. This is completely normal. For him, sex is like food for his ego.

Sex is for most men the most important thing on the planet. But that's why you not much blood. They are forced to constantly think about sex by evolution, which has woven into their DNA the constant need to reproduce. This is also why men, those with a strong libido, find it extremely difficult to remain faithful, because their nature forces them to do so. But still, it would be completely stupid to make an excuse only on evolution - or would it?!

When men are asked what is wrong with them most important in relation, they often list things that sound nice. Things like loyalty, spontaneity, etc. The latter are often among the first choices. But when the researchers connected the men to a lie detector, it was sex that was the most honest answer, common to all men.


Men after recent research on average, they think about sex 19- times a day. That means they think of him every waking hour. Of course, we are talking about averages. There are those who bounce off it both up and down. But still, dear women, think how many times this is in our heads. And then you compare!

All the given facts say that it is sexuality is extremely important to men. Basically one of the most important components of their being. In the past, they were successful if they managed to impregnate as many women as possible in competition and thus take care of their offspring. And regardless of the modernization of society, deep within them is still their primal hunger for reproduction.


Also, because you have this information, it is right your sex life your greatest hidden weapon. Z good sex  you can completely network your man and get everything from him. This is their biggest Achilles heel.

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