
Recipe: delicious persimmon cream with cream without baking


From persimmons - extremely healthy autumn fruits, which were once called the food of the gods - we prepare a delicious persimmon cream with cream, which does not require a cooker or oven.

Persimmons – autumn fruits, which are real with a high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants vitamin bombs – they are delicious by themselves, but they will be even tastier in the form of a refreshing persimmon cream with cream, which ready in no time, and without cooking or baking. Since persimmons have many healing properties and have a beneficial effect on our health and well-being, we should enjoy them as much as possible and in as many ways as possible in autumn, when they are abundant!

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Recipe for delicious persimmon cream with cream

Ingredients for delicious persimmon cream with cream:

  • 3 very ripe persimmons
  • 30 g of sugar
  • 30 ml of rum
  • 200 ml of sweet cream
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • almond leaves

Instructions for preparing a delicious persimmon cream with cream
Beat the sweet cream, a spoonful of sugar and the vanilla extract with an electric mixer into a stiff cream. Wash the persimmons and remove the stalks. Then we cut them in half and remove the core from them with a spoon, which we shake (without the seeds) into an electric mixer. Add sugar and rum and mix into a smooth cream. Place cream and cream alternately in serving bowls. Garnish the persimmon cream with almond leaves on top, put it in the fridge for half an hour and serve. Bon Appetit!

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