
Recipe for alkaline water: how to deacidify the body?

We have a recipe for alkaline water for you, with the help of which you will deacidify the body and improve your well-being.

Acidity and alkalinity are measured in terms of pH. Pure rainwater has a pH of 7.0, so it is considered neutral. Anything below pH 7.0 is acidic and above pH 7.0 is considered alkaline. But when it comes to the pH of the human body, we cannot talk about the pH of the whole body. For example, human skin has a pH of about 5.5 (slightly acidic). On the other hand, the pH of saliva ranges from about 6.5 to 7.4 (fluctuating slightly on either side of neutral). The digestive tract has a pH of 1.5 to 7.0, depending on the level of digestion. When we are healthy, the pH of the blood ranges from 7.35 to 7.45 (slightly alkaline).

Our body maintains the necessary balance mainly through the kidneys and lungs. However, chronic imbalance depletes our body's strength.

Why alkaline water? Our bodies are primarily based on water, and their pH affects our health and ultimately disease.

The importance of drinking alkaline water in modern times

Due to our typical "modern" diet, which consists mainly of processed foods, including salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol, most of our bodies are acidic. There are signs of an acidic environment in the body fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain and a weakened immune system.

So if the environment in our bodies becomes too acidic or too alkaline, our otherwise healthy cells can become toxic, decay and die. This pH imbalance eats away at the tissues. If this continues, the body eventually deposits excess acidic substances in some parts of the body so that it can become more alkaline.

Our control systems in the body are therefore responsible for balancing the pH by removing strong acid residues without harming living cells. However, if the burden becomes too great, the result can be harmful to our health.

Another reason to choose alkaline water is body hydration. Alkaline water is more easily absorbed by our body system, which hydrates us more, leading to an improvement in well-being. Remember that our brain is 90 percent water... Decide to keep it, and the rest of your health too!

Recipe: how to make alkaline water

Alkaline water can help detoxify the body.

Water is alkaline when the pH is adjusted to about 8 or 9, which is basic. The following is a simple recipe for achieving optimal alkaline balance in the body.


  • 1 jug of water/2 liters of clean filtered water (if only tap water is available, you can use it)
  • 1 organic lemon, washed, cut into eighths
  • 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt


Fill the mug, add lemon slices (don't squeeze them!). Then add 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt, cover and let sit overnight (8 to 12 hours) at room temperature. When you wake up and before you eat anything else, drink 3 glasses of this water for the best alkaline balance in your body.

Try it, your body will thank you!

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