
Recipe: juicy snack with tomatoes

Recipe: snack with tomatoes

Now that the season of fresh tomatoes is at its peak, it's time to eat them to your heart's content. Have you run out of ideas for preparing this delicious fruit? Why not try a simple puff pastry snack that is quite easy to prepare. We have for you a child's easy, but excellent recipe for a juicy snack with tomatoes that is worth remembering!

Juicy snack with tomatoes is an excellent alternative to the classic range of snacks. Why always resort to the same recipes and the same snacks from the store shelves, when there are so many other options. And now that it is tomato season at the peak, a snack with fresh tomatoes is offered on its own.

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A snack you wish you knew about sooner!
A snack you wish you knew about sooner!

So the next time you need something to eat for your guests or family, give a tomato snack a chance, which seems like a real specialty, but in fact is completely easy to prepare.

Recipe for a snack with tomatoes:

Ingredients for a snack with tomatoes:

  • 3 tomatoes
  • 50 ml of milk
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • pastry
  • fresh basil
  • olive oil
  • salt (to taste)

The process of preparing a snack with tomatoes:
Place the puff pastry on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and divide it into equal-sized portions (see video below). Brush with milk. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices (half a centimeter). Place one disc on each piece of dough. Baking tray for approx. Place in an oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes. While baking, get busy chopping fresh basil leaves. Finely chop a clove of garlic, mix it with basil and cover with olive oil. When the dough is baked, add the mixture to the snack. Have a good run!

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