
Recipe: Simple Homemade Pesto Genovese

You could say that it's not summer without homemade genovese pesto. The rich taste of basil, pine nuts, garlic and Parmesan cheese can also be carried into late autumn and winter with the help of frozen homemade pesto. Try our recipe for homemade pesto genovese and the smell of summer in your kitchen will go on and on...

Pesto is a sauce for pasta, chicken and fish that can be used in many different ways. With its prestigious taste of basil, pine nuts, garlic and parmesan, it enriches the taste of many dishes, and it goes especially well with spaghetti and gnocchi, which it turns into a real gourmet dish in a few seconds. As long as the basil is still plentiful, we buy it in large bunches and use it to make homemade pesto, which can be put in the freezer in the form of ice cubes for the harsh winter times, when the smell of summer still lingers...

Recipe for homemade pesto

Ingredients for a simple homemade pesto:

  • 2 cups fresh basil (without stems)
  • 2 tablespoons of pine nuts (you can also use walnuts)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan

Instructions for preparing homemade pesto:
Drain the basil, wash it and throw it into an electric mixer together with the pine nuts and garlic. Grind and slowly add olive oil and Parmesan cheese to the finely chopped ingredients. Grind and fill a storage pot with the mixture, and the genovese pesto can also be frozen.

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