
Recipe: Sinfully Good Golden Cake

The season of happy December gatherings is really starting, and with it countless reasons to pamper ourselves and our loved ones with culinary excesses. How does the sinful golden cake that Nina Kastelic prepared on her Leaneen blog sound to you?

Always smiling culinary blogger wrote in the introduction to the recipe that the sinfully good-looking golden cake also tastes sinfully good. How not, when it contains premium ingredients, among other things golden caramel chocolate and Rosé horse sparkling wine from the Zlati grič Wine Cellar. The combination of top flavors and beautiful appearance harmoniously intertwines chocolate sponge cake, golden caramel cream and refreshing pear jelly. It is precisely in the latter that Nina, otherwise the author of the book on sweets, belongs Leaneen: Sweet vices, caught the bubbles Rosé sparkling wine from Zlati grič Wine Cellar. How? Follow the recipe.

Nina Kastelic has captured bubbles of Rosé sparkling wine from the Zlati grič Wine Cellar in the sinful golden cake.
Nina Kastelic has captured bubbles of Rosé sparkling wine from the Zlati grič Wine Cellar in the sinful golden cake.

Ingredients for chocolate sponge cake:

  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g of powdered sugar
  • 10 g cocoa powder
  • 40 g of flour
  • moisturizing milk

Beat the eggs and sugar for 15 minutes at maximum speed to get a fluffy mixture. Then mix the sifted flour and cocoa with a spatula to get a uniform mass. Pour part of the biscuit mixture into a round baking pan with a diameter of 20 cm, and the other part into a baking pan with a diameter of 12 cm. Bake them for 10 to 12 minutes at 180 °C. Cool the biscuit. Place the larger biscuit on the base on which the cake will be served. Surround it with a cake rim lined with acetate foil. Moisten the biscuit with warm milk, in which you can dissolve the chocolate spread.

Ingredients for pear jelly:

  • 260 ml of pear puree (2 or 3 pears)
  • 50 ml of pear juice
  • 80 ml of Rosé sparkling wine from Zlati grič Wine Cellar
  • 4 sheets of gelatin
  • powdered sugar to taste

Puree half of the pears, cut the other half into pieces and mix the pieces into the puree. Add sparkling wine and pear juice, mix and sweeten only if necessary. Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water for 10 minutes. Squeeze the water out of the softened leaves and dissolve them with a spoonful of puree. Mix the melted gelatin into the puree. Pour the puree into a 10 cm diameter baking dish and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours to harden. Don't forget to put baking paper on the bottom of the baking pan and acetate foil inside the rim. When the puree hardens, place it on a moistened chocolate biscuit. Place a second, smaller chocolate biscuit on top of the congealed puree and moisten it with milk.

Ingredients for caramel cream:

  • 250 g of caramel chocolate
  • 300 g of mascarpone
  • 2 sheets of gelatin
  • 300 ml of sweet cream

Melt the chocolate over steam. When it cools down, mix it with mascarpone. Gelatin leaves are prepared in the same way as for pear jelly, except that now they are dissolved with a spoonful of cream. Stir the melted gelatin into the cream. Finally, stir in the whipped cream. Pour the cream into the cake pan and level it, and put the cake in the fridge overnight so that everything hardens and cools. The sinful golden cake is ready to be decorated the next day.

The sinful golden cake is ready!
The sinful golden cake is ready!

Isn't this the perfect sweet ending to a Christmas or New Year's Eve dinner that will pamper the palates of adults only?

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