
Recipe: watermelon pizza - watermelon pizza with cheese and basil

Recipe: Watermelon Pizza

Summer is the time for watermelons, because they are not only delicious, but also refreshing. If you're a watermelon lover, the recipe for watermelon pizza will really impress you. Watermelon pizza is quick to prepare, and you don't need any cooking skills for it.

Watermelon can be used in a variety of ways. One of them is to prepare from it watermelon pizza. Unlike classic pizza, which requires baking, watermelon pizza is one, two, three.

READ MORE: Recipe: low-calorie watermelon pudding

Spice up your menu with watermelon pizza.
Spice up your menu with watermelon pizza.

Watermelon pizza it is delicious and refreshing. It's a perfect morning or afternoon snack a snack.

Recipe for Watermelon Cheese and Basil Pizza:

Ingredients for Watermelon Cheese Basil Pizza:

  • half a watermelon
  • fresh basil
  • feta cheese

The process of making a watermelon pizza with cheese and basil:
Cut the watermelon into slices and sprinkle cheese, basil and other ingredients on top (sliced kiwi, apples, mangoes, bananas, strawberries, peaches, ginger, mozzarella, blueberries...). Divide into triangles and serve. Have a good run!

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