
Recipe: Yogurt Cake with Cherries That Made the World Crazy

Photo: You Tube screenshot @lecker essen

Yogurt cake with cherries is simple to prepare, but tastes so extraordinary.

Can you imagine a soft and crispy dough that intertwines with the rich flavor of cherries and the refreshing note of yogurt? The combination of these ingredients will take your tasting to a new level. That is yogurt cake with cherries.

Discover the delicious harmony of cherries and creamy yogurt in a magical yogurt cake. This dessert will delight you with its juiciness, crispy dough and divine taste. Join us on a sweet journey and discover a recipe that will conquer your taste buds.

Yogurt cake with cherries

  • Servings: 8
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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    Ingredients for cherry filling:
  • 500 g of cherries (frozen)
  • 70 g of corn starch
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 150 ml of water
  • Ingredients for the dough:
  • 3 egg yolks
  • pinch of salt
  • 80 g of powdered sugar
  • 80 g of melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 200 g of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • Ingredients for the yogurt filling:
  • 500 g of Greek yogurt
  • 50 g of corn starch
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 3 egg whites
  • pinch of salt
  • 130 g of sugar


  1. Mix the thawed cherries in a large pan, drain the excess water. Add the cornstarch, sugar and water and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the jam thickens. When the mixture is thick, remove the pan from the stove and let it cool.
  2. In another bowl, whisk the egg yolks together with a pinch of salt and powdered sugar until light and fluffy. Add the melted butter and mix. Then add the vanilla extract.
  3. In the third bowl, sift the flour and baking powder. Gradually add the flour to the egg mass and mix well to get a uniform dough. Form the dough into a ball, wrap it in transparent foil and place it in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the cake model. You can use a kuglof mold or a regular round mold. Lightly grease the model and sprinkle with flour.
  5. Remove the dough from the freezer and scrape it into the bottom and around the edges of the mold to create a layer of dough. Remove excess dough.
  6. Spread the cooled cherry mixture evenly on top of the dough and smooth it out.
  7. In a bowl, whisk together the Greek yogurt, cornstarch, and vanilla extract until smooth.
  8. Separately, beat the egg whites together with a pinch of salt until they begin to foam. Then gradually add sugar and continue to beat until you get firm snow.
  9. Add the beaten egg whites to the yogurt mixture and mix gently to combine.
  10. Pour the filling over the cherries in the cake tin and level the surface.
  11. Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 40 minutes, or until it gets a nice golden brown color and the center hardens.
  12. When the cake is baked, take it out of the oven and let it cool completely. Then carefully remove it from the model.
  13. Before serving the yogurt cake with cherries, you can decorate it with fresh cherries, whipped cream or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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