
Reon Pocket: Sony's air conditioner that you put in your pocket

Summer is here, the heat is sweltering and the idea of a portable and wearable air conditioner that cools you down via a smartphone app isn't that silly, right? Well, at least according to Sony, which has unveiled its Reon Pocket device, which does just that!

Sony's Reon Pocket is a smaller air conditioning Bluetooth device, the size of a business card wallet, that slips into a special T-shirt with a pocket in the neck area. Connects with application thus allowing the user to control the temperature via their smartphone. It supports both iOS and Android, and its battery life is 90 minutes. The device, which weighs only 85 grams and, we must admit, somewhat resembles an Apple mouse, will be charged in two hours via the USB-C connector.

The Reon Pocket uses thermoelectric cooling for its operation, and Sony adds that you can use the Reon Pocket even in winter to keep you warm. I guess you can cools our bodies by 13 degrees Celsius and raises their temperature by 8 degrees Celsius.

Sony Reon Pocket
Sony Reon Pocket

Currently, the device is only available in Japan, and it costs around 130 euros.

Gallery: Sony Reon Pocket

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