
Restaurant Week - Slovenian culinary movement

From October 18th, the autumn continuation of the Restaurant Week, a Slovenian culinary movement, will start, in which as many as 75 top restaurants from all over Slovenia will take part, with menus for 14 euros and with the chef's signature.

Important information
All over Slovenia
Facebook event
Entrance fee
€14 for a three-course menu

Restaurant Week - quality is the constant that presents the greatest challenge to top creative chefs. In addition, the autumn section will have a greater emphasis on local and seasonal ingredients. Each menu represents a high quality that has convinced even a culinary critic Uroš Mecinger, who selected the participating restaurants. Hurry up, as reservations are already being accepted September 28.

Dvor Jezeršek
Dvor Jezeršek

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More information:
week of restaurants.si

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