
Rockin'1000, Learn To Fly - a thousand Italian musicians want to bring the Foo Fighters to a concert

Rockin'1000 - a collective of thousands of Italian singers, guitarists, bassists and drummers - came together in Cesena, Italy to perform the Foo Fighters' 1999 hit, "Learn To Fly". The mega event, a year in the making, was an invitation to the Foo Fighters to visit the Italian city of Cesena. Who could say no to them?

"Italy is a country where dreams do not come true so quickly. But it is a land of passion and creativity. And what we managed to do is a huge, huge miracle for me", he said Fabio Zaffagnini, founding member of the collective Rockin' 1000.

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An idea that matured for a year has therefore borne fruit (or a thousand fruits). A group of thousands of professional musicians, technicians and connoisseurs managed to publish a video dedicated to the Foo Fighters on YouTube, and it has already been viewed more than 4 million people around the world. And most importantly, David Grohl posted a video on the band's Twitter this morning, writing in Italian: "See you soon, Cesena..."

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