
MOOD sunglasses – glasses for an authentic psychedelic experience

MOOD psychedelic sunglasses

So much great music has been written under the influence of intoxicants, but that doesn't mean you have to take them yourself to fully experience it. While many take and recommend them for a better experience, Hungarian student Bence Agoston has come up with a much safer and more affordable alternative that simply mimics the psychedelic experience of drugs. MOOD sunglasses, which are made with the help of 3D printing.

MOOD sunglasses were designed to make listening to music become multifaceted experience and without touching the poles. We achieve that with them degree of indentation, which we attribute to drugs. But for this kind of experience, it is not necessary to turn to the world of drugs and alcohol. A psychedelic experience you can experience it even when you are fully conscious, namely with six replaceable glasses (they also offer UV protection). A case of glasses with special patterns, which create an optical effect similar to the Moiré effect, a graphic interlacing between two graphics.

You can turn the glasses while listening to music and thus strengthen the optical effect even more.
You can turn the glasses while listening to music and thus strengthen the optical effect even more.

The filters are transparent and they filter red, green and blue colors, and with them you can conjure countless "hallucinations", as the frame of the glasses has space for three for each eye, the light refracting through them reacts differently in different combinations. In addition, glass can you turn at will around its axis.

READ MORE: Bændit – flexible modular sunglasses

"Lenonian" glasses can also be used as regular sunglasses with ordinary glasses.

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