
SanDisc Ultra: A microSD card that is a marvel of technology

What's worse than when a photographer runs out of storage space just before the end of the wedding celebration and has nowhere to hide in embarrassment? Let's not be so dramatic, it's disgusting if we already have it on a family trip, isn't it? Worries are now unnecessary, because the Ultra microSD card is here, which will be our lifeline in such cases.

Memory card SanDisc Ultra microSD 400GB like other microSD cards, it is just as big as the surface of the tip of the little finger.

SanDisc actually does the impossible, because it 'squeezes' more and more space into an ever-smaller body. On the Ultra microSD 400 GB, you can now store just 52,000 photos in HD quality, which is twice as much as was possible until now. The data transfer speed is up to 100 MB per second, which amounts to approx 1200 photos per minute. It is compatible with Android devices, but also decorates it A1 Performances for faster application management. For the device, Ultra microSD also accompanies it 10-year warranty.

The price for the Ultra microSD is 210 euros.

Gallery - The SanDisc Ultra microSD card is a marvel of technology

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