

In an intimate comic drama, the Nobel laureate Harold Pinter combined the main modern themes that, even in this century, remain a mirror of the values of modern man. Deception weaves and untangles a love triangle of insatiable egos in a bittersweet way, playing with time perspective. A masterpiece about the influences of...

Important information
City Theatre, BTC City, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 euros

In an intimate comic drama, the Nobel laureate Harold Pinter combined the main modern themes that, even in this century, remain a mirror of the values of modern man. Deception weaves and untangles a love triangle of insatiable egos in a bittersweet way, playing with time perspective. A masterpiece about the effects of the sexual revolution on love and loyalty, it brings us to a comic world without a moral winner with witty minimalist dialogue.

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