
Segway Drift W1: 'rolling' for the next millennium

Segway Drift W1

Segway took on the popular 'rolling' and 'reinvented' it. With the presentation of the Segway Drift W1, we thus got a completely new category of e-scooters.

A new foundation Segway Drift W1 uses already very well known technology hunting balance and it is actually a 'hoverboard' that has been divided into two works. At Segway, they set themselves the task of taking the concept of so-called inline skates and rollerblades and combining them with their own concept. mobility and the top ones engineering.

Black and white e-scooters are designed to be you can to carry, when we are not driving with them. They are small, light, with tires that further contribute to stability. E-scooters are made of quality materials, including those that prevent us from walking slipped, when standing on the device. Segway Drift W1 is another one of the imaginative basics of this company, for which a large number of curious passers-by will turn again.

Segway Drift W1
Segway Drift W1

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