Do you think selfies are the cry of the 21st century? Think again. Selfies have a long history, dating back much further than the advent of smartphones and even digital cameras. It is true that the term "selfie" appeared only in 2002 and was introduced to a wider audience in 2005, but the history of this type of photography goes back long before the use of the word, which has already found a place in the Oxford dictionary. Well, we found some selfies of famous people from the last 100 years.
Selfies have been with us for a long time. More than 100 years. But before the advent of smartphones, they were not as notorious as they are today. Wondering who made the first one? Robert Cornelius, an American pioneer of photography and a long time ago in 1839. Well, one of the first teenage girls with a selfie was the daughter of Russian Tsar Nicholas II, Anastasia Nikolayeva Romanova, who took it in 1914 at the age of 13.
READ MORE: Podo camera - a high-tech "selfie stick" from Kickstarter
This and other selfies of famous people in the last 100 years, which some people made long before it was "cool", take a look in the photo gallery.