
Seven insidious collagen destroyers

A collagen deficiency has a key impact on your appearance and well-being, so I'm going to reveal the main killers of collagen, this important protein. Learn how to avoid premature signs of aging.

Visible wrinkles, sagging skin, tired face, painful joints and thinning hair. I'm sure you'll agree that these are the signs of aging that everyone would like to avoid. It is natural to notice certain changes in your body over the years, aging is a part of life and no one can avoid it. The fact is that its premature and too obvious signs can very quickly they lower your self-esteem and the quality of your life.

Can you act effectively?

I understand that it is a frustrating situation, especially when the signs of aging appear on your body much earlier than most of your peers. Think of an often overlooked fact! Your appearance, well-being and quality of life are not only affected by age, but also many factors that you have influence over and can change. It's about your daily habits and lifestyle, which depend only and only on you.

There are seven insidious killers of your youthful appearance that age you fast. If you want to feel fit, confident and youthful again in your body, react as soon as possible and avoid these dangerous factors.

Advice that will definitely not disappoint you

An important asset is hidden in your body, with the help of which you can effectively deal with aging: collagen. This basic and indispensable building block gives your body structure, shape and keeps everything in its place. Collagen determines:

  • the glow and tension of the skin,
  • hair density,
  • joint health,
  • immune system strength,
  • hardness of your nails.

Unfortunately, collagen production begins to decline after the age of 20, and the process is accelerated after 30 and 40 years. Thus, at the age of 80, the skin will produce as much as 75 % less collagen than at the age of 20. The production of collagen therefore decreases over the years, the additional bad news is that over the years the skin also loses collagen. This means that over time the needs of the organism exceed the available supplies. What happens?

Consequences of collagen deficiency
If you allow yourself to fall into the trap of collagen deficiency, many unpleasant consequences occur, such as:

  • increasingly pronounced wrinkles,
  • more droopy cheeks,
  • loose skin,
  • thinning hair,
  • brittle nails,
  • permeable intestinal wall,
  • painful joints.

And that's only because the basic structure gives way. To make it easier to visualize, you can think of collagen as a very long chain. The basic elements that make up this protein structure are amino acids, which you enter into your body with food. The body combines amino acids in the synthesis phase and transfers them to places where the structure of the basic tissue is weakened, for example to the skin, nails, joints.

And even though it's yours the organism is able to form less and less collagen over the years, this is far from the main reason why you already notice obvious signs of aging in your forties, fifties or sixties. Remember that these signs are to a large extent the result of dangerous pressures that you create on the collagen structure with your lifestyle. Therefore, think carefully whether you want a youthful appearance or indulge in bad habits.

Insidious destroyers of collagen

Learn about seven insidious collagen destroyers that adversely affect your appearance and well-being and accelerate the aging process.

Insidious destroyers of collagen

#1 Simple sugars
Many people are very surprised when they learn the truth related to the consumption of simple sugars. The only problem with their excessive consumption is not only accumulated excess fat, but also increasingly obvious signs of aging. When there is too much sugar in your bloodstream, it is constantly on the lookout for prey. Proteins, also known as collagen, are the most affected. Sugar takes them or sticks to them, which greatly weakens the structure and function of proteins.

You can significantly influence the aging process if you you avoid foods, such as:

  • sweets and pastries,
  • sweet, carbonated drinks,
  • syrups,
  • bread,
  • pasta,
  • chips,
  • fast food.

#2 UV rays
People who excessive exposure to sunlight, have dry, loose and markedly aged skin. Excessive exposure to the sun attacks collagen reserves through the largest organ of your body - the skin. UV rays are among the most fatal and dangerous factors, which affect your appearance and well-being. They insidiously accelerate the process of photoaging, which shows its cruel consequences only with a delay. In the initial phase, the body can still successfully resist free radicals, which are a byproduct of this dangerous process. But when the amount of these dangerous thugs increases sharply, the defense shield weakens, and free radicals attack and damage many proteins, including collagen.

#3 Smoking
Dark circles, wrinkles around the lips and eyes, sagging cheeks, chin – sound familiar? These are all signs that annoy most smokers very early on. Smoking, regardless of frequency, literally destroys your body and skin and ages you tremendously. Nicotine it has a negative effect on blood flow throughout the body and prevents the smooth supply of cells with substances essential for rapid regeneration. This means that it also slows down the synthesis of fresh collagen.


#4 Alcohol consumption
Alcohol has a negative effect on the proportion vitamin A in your body, which in turn slows down the production of collagen. It is true that it is basically a protein consisting of basic units - amino acids, which does not mean that these are the only ones involved in the synthesis. The other nutrients also take part in the formation of collagen, it is important that they are always available in sufficient quantities in your body.

Consumption of alcohol

#5 Stress
One of the most dangerous side effects of the body's stress response is formation of free radicals, small reactive molecules that cause your cells to oxidize and damage them. Free radicals they accelerate the aging of the organism. It's not just about invisible consequences - the result of oxidation is also premature aging of the skin, formation of wrinkles, loss of moisture and other skin damage. High volumes stress hormone cortisol they rob your body of essential nutrients that are important for the immune system, proper digestion and glowing skin.

#6 Lack of sleep
Sleep is also essential for healthy skin and its firm and well-rested appearance. While you sleep, your skin regenerates and tightens. If you don't get enough sleep, the skin loses its healthy glow and lacks elasticity, causing fine lines to appear. Fine wrinkled lines around the eyes and mouth are the result of fatigue.

#7 Deficiency of key amino acids
Amino acids that are most represented in the formation of collagen are proline, glycine, glutamine and arginine. You introduce them into your body with foods such as:

  • salmon,
  • lean beef,
  • chicken meat,
  • eggs.

This is not always easy, as our modern lifestyle often makes it difficult for us to eat healthy and balanced food. Also, the quality of food drops sharply from year to year, which is why it is even more difficult to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

The fact is that you can quickly fall into the trap of collagen deficiency. Therefore, it is extremely important that you make two key moves as soon as possible:
1. Cleanse your lifestyle of the deadliest collagen destroyers.
2. Act now and take advantage of the potential of hydrolyzed collagen powder. Because of it, your collagen reserves will jump - and in the shortest possible time.

A solution that will not disappoint you

Hydrolyzed collagen powder boasts high absorption. Since it has very small molecules, the body then just assembles them back into collagen where it is needed. By regularly consuming hydrolyzed collagen powder, you ensure that your collagen reserves will always be full. The earlier you start, the longer the beneficial effects will be visible, because it doesn't matter whether you start taking collagen in your 30s or 80s.

Collagen as a dietary supplement is suitable for:

  • anyone who wants to maintain flexible and elastic skin,
  • anyone who wants to prevent the formation of deep wrinkles,
  • everyone who wants to take care of shiny hair and nails,
  • everyone who wants to maintain flexible joints and healthy muscles,
  • those who know that sometimes the body needs help.

Hydrolyzed collagen is proven to be the way to a youthful appearance and well-being. You can do it too, with regular consumption hydrolyzed collagen powder. As it boasts extremely high absorption, it is considered the most effective solution.

Premium collagen

Therefore, it is not surprising that this solution brings excellent results, even if it is a habit that does not take you more than 30 seconds a day. We are talking about:

  • tight and shiny skin,
  • thick hair,
  • strong nails,
  • positive influence on the proportion of muscle mass,
  • healthy joints.

You must avoid collagen deficiency! Without a shadow of a doubt, these are results that greatly improve the quality of your life and ensure that you live the life you deserve. In this article, I have touched on just a few of the key properties of collagen related to its many benefits for keeping skin looking youthful and feeling good. On this one connection but there is a lot of useful information waiting for you about how collagen can actually change your life in the direction of a healthier lifestyle.

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