
She remembered who she was and everything changed between them!

Photo: envato

She was strong, wild, independent. She never thought she could lose herself to a man. Then she met him.

With each day they spent together, she liked him more. With every nice gesture he made for her, she fell more and more in love with him. It was perfect – until – it wasn't.

Somewhere along the way, she began to forget about herself. He never asked her to, but love blinded her.

She began to love him more than herself. She began to put his wants above her own needs. She surrendered to the weakness of too much love.

The fear of losing him drove away all the love she had for herself. She stopped doing the things she loved and enjoyed just so she could always be there for him.

He also stopped attending to her needs. He took over her attitude towards herself.

She began to think that he was selfish and ungrateful. Then it struck her: "Nobody can love you if you don't love yourself. No one can meet your needs if you can't do it yourself.

She remembered who she was, and the game changed. She started doing the things she used to do before she became dependent on him and on making him happy.

Photo: envato

She found time for herself, for her friends and hobbies, and for a change began to enjoy what she was. She was no longer trying to be the woman she thought she wanted to be. She came back to herself.

She remembered that he first fell in love with a woman who was. The woman he was madly attracted to. She remembered those wonderful romantic things he did at the beginning of the relationship.

Gaining self-respect wasn't easy, but seeing how it affected him and their relationship made her more determined than ever.

She was tired of feeling like nothing. She needed to go back to who she was, but for that to happen she needed to remember who she was.

When she returned to her original self, so did he. She stopped being a woman who constantly needed him and suffocated him. When she went back to the way she was before she met him, he fell in love with her all over again. She didn't blame him. She didn't blame him.

She forgot herself because of her love for him. He became the most important thing in her life and she stopped believing that her life mattered.

He was the only thing that mattered to her, and her obsession was exactly what drove him away. Fortunately, she realized that the person she was with him was not her true self.

He was thrilled that she was back, that she had become what she was.

She loved him deeply, but she promised herself that she would never let her love for him destroy the love she had for herself.

He saw how she enjoyed finding her own happiness and he was proud to be with a woman like that. This is what he wanted all along - to be with someone he could be proud of.

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