In many countries of the developed world, each person produces 1.95 kilograms of waste per day. Back in 1960, this figure was 1.2 kg. There are currently 7.3 billion people in the world, and at the current rate of population growth (1.1% per year), there will be 15 billion people on Earth in about 64 years. This only means more pollution. So let's do what we have to do, avoid the mistakes of the past and keep our planet clean. We have only one.
By the way shocking scenes, which show direct the result of pollution, I dare you to ask yourself whether you are doing enough to keep the Earth clean. Do you separate, recycle, wash at night, buy only what you need? Too few people are aware that we don't own the Earth, we only own it borrowed from future generations, so it is our responsibility, what a responsibility, a duty to "return" it to them in good condition. With such a one stepfather relationship we are digging our own grave. But it's not too late. The things you will see below can be prevented. But we have to start by yourself.
READ MORE: An environmentally friendly bottle and water combined in one