
Honest and strong: 3 phrases we are afraid to say in a relationship

Honest and strong: 3 phrases we are afraid to say in a relationship

There is not a person in this world who has not at least once personally experienced the pain of betrayal, lies, insincerity and deception. Because of what she should have HONESTLY discussed with the person who betrayed her. Why are some couples so afraid of honesty? Why are they afraid to say certain phrases in a relationship?

Dishonesty hurts because it undermines relationships, destroys confidence and it's perfect the opposite of intimacy. Instead of feeling secure in the relationship, doubts form in your mind because you start to doubt the person who meant everything to you.

Honesty in a relationship is a major component of a healthy relationship. However, it is quite clear that being honest is not always easy, otherwise we would all do it all the time. And sometimes people choose to be dishonest just because they don't want to hurt the other person. They convince themselves that it's better to keep some information to themselves because it might work itself out. This is a mistake. Sooner or later there will be a problem became bigger and some unresolved issues will only accumulated. So the next time you decide to talk dishonestly with your partner, consider how expedient it really is.

3 honest sentences we are afraid to say in a relationship:


You will probably find it strange that a couple would not know how to communicate in this way, but there are relationships that are "plastic" - everything is perfect, the most beautiful and without mistakes, so neither party dares to admit that they do not fully understand their partner, because she's afraid she'll hurt him or look stupid.
In healthy relationships, the relationship is based on communication. You won't hurt anyone by saying these words, you'll just start the conversation you both so desperately need. You will get to know each other, honest thinking, desires, fears, concerns...

In healthy relationships, the relationship is based on communication.
In healthy relationships, the relationship is based on communication.

Partners in a relationship often hear, but do not understand. They think they know their partner's needs, but the other party isn't really satisfied. If you are facing such problems, it is time to have an honest conversation. Calmly, with understanding, explain to your partner what you feel... and every subsequent conversation will be much easier.


You are lying to yourself if you insist that you have never felt unhappy in a relationship. Every couple who have been together for a long time feels unhappy at certain times. And there can be countless reasons for this. Every relationship is subject to crises. And then everyone wonders whether it makes sense to continue the relationship.
If it's just a temporary problem, you'll get over it, so don't be afraid to say how you feel. Maybe your partner feels the same way.

Every couple who have been together for a long time feels unhappy at certain times.
Every couple who have been together for a long time feels unhappy at certain times.


You probably learned in the movies that your partner is likely to leave you when he tells you he needs time to himself. And of course this is not true (always)! Each person needs time for himself, his thoughts, needs... Man is a social being, but he is also an individual for whom you must provide space. If you need it, your partner will also understand if you tell him how you really feel.

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