
Sleeping position: This reveals about you the position in which you sleep

Photo: 风徐/Pixabay

We all know that a good night's sleep is very important, but what we often don't think about is the position in which we tend to doze off. We reveal to you what the position in which you most often sleep says about your personality traits, and if this way of sleeping is healthy for your body. This is what yours says about you sleeping position!

1. Position of the fetus

Sleeping in fetal position means you sleep with knees bent high towards the chest, and your hands are elbows bent.
This is the most common position in which people sleep, and it reveals that you are deep inside shy andsensitive, even if you don't show it on the outside. You also tend to excessive worries and anxiety due to the smallest and least important problems.
This pose tells your nervous system that it is not safe to fall asleep, as you will soon have to fight or run. That's why experts recommend that instead of the fetal position, you settle in open position, which will allow you to breathe deeply and let the system know that you are safe.

Photo: Ketut Subiyanto

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2. Sleeping on your side with your arms straight by your body

If it's your favorite sleeping position lying on side, whereby its you keep your limbs straight, that is, at first glance, you are working serious and rigid, but this is far from the truth. When among people relax, what you soon become sociable and smiling. You enjoy talking to a wide variety of people and you love their attention. At the same time, you can also brag that you are trustworthy.

3. Sleeping on your side with straight legs and arms stretched forward

People prone to sleep in this position are usually very attractive and open. On the other hand, they can be suspicious and often a lot cynical. They make decisions slowly, but when they finally decide on something, they stick to it they stubbornly hold on and it's hard to get them to change their minds.
According to experts, sleep on one side of the body the best position, in which you can fall asleep. They recommend that you are place the pillows under the head and next to the body, and to contact your left side, as the position of the esophagus makes it better for yours digestion.

Sleeping position: Experts recommend sleeping on your side Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

4. Soldier position

A position with a name a soldier it means you are sleeping on the back, your legs are straightened, and your hands placed next to the body. If this is your most common sleeping position, it means you love it peaceful lifestyle far from the crowds and chaos. You tend to take things for granted very serious and you have high expectations, both from yourself and to other people.

5. Sleeping on the back with straight legs and arms resting on the pillow

Sleeping position: According to experts, sleeping on your back is the best choice Photo: Milan Gaziev / Unsplash

People who like this position are said to be very faithful friends. They should have listening to other people's feelings and them with pleasure helped.
According to many experts, sleeping on your back is the best choice for good health and quality sleep. Yours shoulders and back that's how it is they rest, and this pose is also recommended if you have problems with reflux.

6. Sleeping on your stomach

If you prefer to sleep on the stomach, that means you are sociable and playful a person with distinct characters. But even though you are mostly voluntary, well you know how care to hide, but deep down you yearn for control. You are also very sensitive to criticism.
From a medical point of view, sleeping on your stomach is the worst choice. Such a situation causes pressure on the muscles of the head, neck and jaws, but it can also be harmful muscles in the lower back and pelvis.

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst choice from a health point of view Photo: Vladislav Muslakov / Unsplash

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