
Slovenia is among the 15 countries where the 2019-nCoV infection is the worst! 57th infection detected!

Slovenia among all countries where the coronavirus has been detected (i.e. among 121 countries where there is an infection today), already occupies 13th place by the number of infected inhabitants per million. The situation is extremely serious, and action by all citizens is desirable - IMMEDIATELY!

Slovenia it is in an exceptional situation and the attention of every individual is needed, because it can only be done that way let's fight the virus together. The measures taken by those responsible are sometimes mild and similar to those in Italy. But the action is completely too slow. Every individual can take measures today and start implementing them IMMEDIATELY!

Slovenia is currently ranked at number 57 among the 13th most infected countries per million inhabitants. (Source: worldometers.info) because we record 27.4 infected per million inhabitants. Italy, by comparison, has 167 infected per million inhabitants. As many as 23 infected by 3:00 p.m. today alone!

The article was updated at 15:00

In Italy, the death rate is over 6%, which is extremely worrying. This is also why we must do everything in our power to prevent the worst.

If infections we don't stop it practically immediately, we are ahead an extremely dark scenario!

In the following, we reviewed some self-protection measures that each individual can start implementing today at their own discretion.

Slovenia ranks 13th among all countries with detected coronavirus!
Slovenia ranks 13th among all countries with detected coronavirus!

13 concrete self-protection measures that every individual can take to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection today:

  1. Absolute cough hygiene and snoring, without exception.
  2. Recommended distance between individuals, which applies to all public spaces, is 1 meter. We don't stand in groups, we don't push each other and we don't touch others. This also applies to species v shops and cash registers. Keep your distance 1 meter. And it applies to all other situations where several people gather (post office, bank, ...).
  3. We do not visit public places: bars, fitness centers, movie theater. In other words, all the rooms where holds several people at once.
  4. We don't stay in groups. We do not visit at home. We don't celebrate birthdays.
  5. We go shopping individually and not in pairs. It is recommended that makes purchases only once a week.
  6. As far as we have protective equipment, we use them (gloves, masks). We use them correctly and in accordance with the recommendations of experts.
  7. As long as you are chronic patient, take care of at least 30-day supply your prescribed medications. Write to your personal doctor for an electronic prescription.
  8. Ob any symptoms, such as elevated temperature, cough, snoring, contact your personal physician. As far as possible, if symptoms are recognized, immediately isolate yourself from those closest to you. Alone, unaccompanied, after consultation with your personal doctor, go to one of the reception points to collect the swab. If you have a mask or other protective equipment, use it now.
  9. As far as possible we work from home.
  10. We hold meetings via video calls and other tools.
  11. We do not place children in the care of grandparents. Children often survive the coronavirus infection as a mild cold. The disease, however, is not expressed or detected. Older people and chronic patients are especially susceptible to the more severe form of the coronavirus.
  12. We don't use public transport.
  13. No we travel abroad.

The above are the measures currently recommended in Italy. Similar official instructions but they will possibly apply in our country as well in a few days. Be sure to get to know them and, if you can, take them into account today.

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