
Google Jamboard - A giant screen to doodle on

Google Jamboard

Google is expanding its hardware family with a smart digital whiteboard, a 55-inch 4K resolution touchscreen that is G Suite software in physical form.

Smart board Google Jamboard is the next stage in evolution school boards. A case of 55-inch 4K resolution touch screen with camera, wireless interface, speakers and stand. Instead of chalk or a felt-tip pen for write-erase boards is included battery-free pen and eraser. It is perfect for presentations, brainstorming, lectures etc.

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Google Jamboard should have whiteboard functionality and everything the internet has to offer. It displays images and other content found either online or in the cloud. You swear by self-adhesive sheets? Google has prepared a digital version of them. Board recognize and digitize handwriting, holds templates and can connect to another Google Jamboard and that way enables remote collaboration also via a smartphone application or tablet. All actions are simultaneous stored in the cloud, so there is no need to worry about data loss.

Google Jamboard is perfect for presentations and brainstorming.
Google Jamboard is perfect for presentations and brainstorming sessions.

If he was Google Pixel answer to iPhone 7, the Google Jamboard is a seven times cheaper answer to Microsoft's wall tablet Surface Hub. It is necessary to deduct 'everything' for it 910 euros.

Gallery - Google Jamboard:

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