
This is how you know someone doesn't like you: 5 subtle signs that reveal it

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

If you're not sure what a guy thinks about you and are hesitant to ask, you can always tell by his body language. Look for subtle signs, whether verbal or non-verbal, that the person doesn't want to be around you.

Neck scratching

Scratching the neck means the interlocutor is not interested in what you have to say. It also shows that the interlocutor does not believe what you are telling him.

Keeping your distance

Before the coronavirus, keeping your distance was a clear signal that the person you were spending time with did not want to be close to you in any sense. This is most often recognized by the interlocutor taking a step back if you approach him to say something, or standing up from his seat if you are sitting next to him and pacing up and down the room while listening.

Photo: Dziana Hasanbeka / Pexels

Answering questions with one word or sentence

When you get a short answer every time you ask a person something, it's a sure sign that they're not interested in continuing the conversation or spending time with you.

Absence of eye contact

This is the most obvious sign that you are dealing with a person who would rather be anywhere else than with you right now. Avoiding eye contact during a conversation can also mean that the interlocutor is hiding something from you.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

A fake smile

It is not difficult to detect a fake smile in another person. When someone genuinely smiles, almost all the muscles in their face are active, while those who fake a smile only have their mouth stretched.

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