
What can women learn from men?

Men women. Women men. Two different worlds. But we can learn a lot from each other.

Women can learn some good things from men. Men are, in a sense, less complicated and tend to simplify things - that's how they solve problems faster.

What are their qualities that would make women's lives a lot easier? What should they do?

Express your frustrations

Men do not suffer from emotional pressure, and therefore, when they are frustrated, they express it. They get angry, expel the negative energy and move on. Women, on the other hand, will accumulate their frustrations until they "explode" and thereby worsen their mental and physical health. Women trust their feelings and talk about them more easily, but they often suppress their bad feelings, pain and frustrations. We could learn from men, how to get rid of emotional pressure more easily.

A broader perspective

Women are often focused on the details and lose sight of the bigger picture because of them. Men see things from a broader perspective, as they don't bother with details and over-analysis. Ladies, try to adopt this way of looking at things – from a wider perspective, from a greater distance, without excessive details and discussions of problems.

Don't look to others

Women are more likely to gossip and pick on others than men. Men do not look at what their friends do and how they live, and for the most part they do not compare themselves to them. More they look at themselves, at their lives. And this is what women can learn from them.

Women could learn from men how to cope with emotional pressure more easily.

Releasing anger

When women are hurt and hurt, it's hard to let it go. They don't forget, they don't forgive easily, even though they received and accepted an apology. Men become angry, furious and cold in the same situations. They let go of what angered and offended them, forget about it, and move on with their lives. They don't hold old grudges.

Put yourself first

Men do this spontaneously, without overcoming certain attitudes and habits. It is normal for them to be the most important to themselves. Women, on the other hand, are focused on caring for others, that's how they were brought up and that's how it's supposed to be in women's nature. Psychologists often advise that everyone should put themselves first. Women know this, but they don't know how to deal with the guilt of being their own priority. You should try to imitate men - they don't have a bad conscience that they are the most important to themselves. They do not give up on themselves for the sake of their family and career.

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