
This is how you push him away from you: with these actions you will hurt him very, very much

Photo: envato

No one ever said relationships were 100% easy. Reconciling the lives of two people is like practicing patience, trust, and honesty—virtues that take a long time to build and don't come easily.

Partnerships are like a potted plant that you have to constantly take care of blossomed. But as in any relationship, even in partnerships, there are periods when... growth stops and some leaf or flower falls off. And even if such moments are unpleasant, they are human.
All while learn from your mistakes, you try to change (but stay true to yourself) and know how to sincerely apologize, it's not the end of the world.
If they stand the test of time, they can overcame even the greatest obstacles. But to get to this point, you have to avoid certain things, with which you can hurt your partner.

You will hurt him very, very much by doing these things:

You're not paying attention to the things he's talking about.

Even if the rule applies that men are bad listeners, women are also susceptible to many noises from the environment and they forget the relationship with their own partner. If you want to be emotionally closer to your partner, you will sometimes have to listen.
Women usually prepare a man to tell him something ("Can I tell you something?”), while men they don't usually have that. But they just want them you are listening and you understand the things they talk about. Even if he presents the matter, like it doesn't matter she wants you to devote yourself to her at this moment.

When sex is involved, women can be picky.
When sex is involved, women can be picky.

You mock his skills in bed.

When sex is involved, women can be picky. A man with a soft heart will find it difficult to tolerate female criticism at the expense of his skills in bed. It's okay to say what things bother you, but do it on understanding and cultured way. Praise the things you like, but also emphasize what which is desperate. And it's much better to do it later, not right after sex, when you're both at your most vulnerable.

You make fun of his financial situation.

Even if he laughs at his wallet, don't laugh at that. A man doesn't worry about not being able to afford certain things he wants, he worries about things which he will not be able to afford you. If at any point he senses that you are mocking him or that you are concerned about his money, he will feel it humiliated. And he probably won't admit it.

Tell him you love him too.
Tell him you love him too.

You criticize him in public.

It's completely normal to they won't agree on everything and your partner will also get on your nerves at certain times because of his actions, but don't allow yourself to humiliation and public criticism. Don't be a know-it-all smartass, because that way you'll show disrespect to the person who you supposedly love. Imagine that you are in such a situation! Not pleasant, is it?

You don't love him back in the same way.

They say that women show love more often, but for every rule there is an exception. In moments when a man tells you he loves you, realize that he does he really means it, because something probably happened that reminded him of this, khow strong his emotions are.
In moments like these pay him back in kind. Tell him you love him too. Men want it too proximity. If you don't love him back in the same way, he will feel like you do is no longer connected to you.

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