
Sony Playstation VR - Virtual Reality Will Be Cheap - Price Known

The most popular gaming console Playstation is taking on new virtual dimensions, but only in October 2016, when they will officially start selling Playstation VR. The price is also known, which will be around 360 euros for the basic "head" unit. The price for the base seems very reasonable, but of course it won't work without accessories.

As part of the GDC International Conference (Game Developer Conference) in San Francisco yesterday, Sony presented the basic information and date of the start of sales of the Playstation VR, thus directly admitting that the forecast of the start of sales in the first half of the year was a little too optimistic. Playstation VR is in direct competition with Oculus Rift, HTC Vivo and other virtual reality "glasses" developers.

The price of the head unit is at first glance very favorable, because 360 euros to enter the world of virtual reality is not an amount that technology lovers should be afraid of. Of course, everything can be much more expensive if you are not the owner of the current one Playstation 4 and some related equipment, without which playing games will not be possible. For this new-age experience, you'll need Playstation camera and special game controls for virtual reality. As always, Sony will offer special packages that will give you all the required equipment at a slightly more affordable price. But it will definitely be far from the price of 360 euros.

A Playstation VR headset alone will not be enough for gaming. It will require quite a few accessories.
A Playstation VR headset alone will not be enough for gaming. It will require quite a few accessories.

Technically it is this time Sony only confirmed the statements that were known until now. It adorns the head unit like this 5.7-inch OLED display, which can play up to 120 frames per second and has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. At the same time, each "dot" also gets the entire spectrum of RGB colors.

Sony promises 50 new games for PlayStation VR by the end of 2016. Definitely among them Star Wars: Battlefront, which will be available exclusively for PlayStation VR.

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