
Neptune Space Balloon: Float to the edge of space

Neptune space balloon (Photo: Space Perspective)

The startup company Space Perspective wants to take you to the edge of our universe, from where you can admire our beautiful planet! The first passengers are expected to fly into the "unknown" as early as next year.

From climbing mountains and sailing the seas, to flying airplanes and to space flights - humanity goes one step further every day! Now a startup wants you Space Perspective take a balloon to the edge of space, where you will be able to look at our beautiful planet from a different perspective, as a spaceship for all of our humanity and the global biosphere, spinning in the deep darkness of our solar system.

The Neptune space balloon will fly into space as a special capsule for eight people, and will begin its two-hour ascent to 100,000 feet above the ground at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. There, guests will float above the Earth and admire their home planet, the stars and the vast darkness that surrounds them. The capsule will also be available refreshment bar and, of course, toilets. The balloon will then begin its descent towards the ocean where the passengers will be boarded the ship and thus completed their six-hour journey. The first guests were supposed to fly into the "unknown". already in 2021.

Gallery: Neptune space balloon

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