
Strong women need a strong man

Photo: Envato

Strong women are attractive and men admire them. But mostly only from afar and rarely does anyone gather the courage to approach them. Don't be afraid of them, they are only human, just like you!

Admiration and respect do not provide much motivation for courtship and conquest.

Strong women want to be shown love and respect with gentle genuine touches and a common partnership in everyday life. They know that men fear their power, and that respect and admiration are poorly correlated with emotional connection in these times.

Strong women face everything that has wounded, broken and damaged them. And, with everything they recovered from, healed, became wiser and stronger.

Strong women know their power well and its core. The power came from their vulnerability, the unruliness of their spirit and their desire to live.

They spent a lot of time in the deep and dark parts of themselves, looking for a way to the light. They always took with them some valuable experience from their subject, accepting life's problems, obstacles and tragedies as lessons. They learned a lot from them and became even stronger.

They are strong because they experienced, lived and survived.

They are persistent and effective because they have learned to never give up, to take responsibility and do their best. They do not hesitate because they know that delaying not only wastes time, but problems accumulate and become stronger. So they deal with whatever comes their way on a daily basis and work things out as they go.

A strong woman knows what she wants. Photo: Daniel Corneschi/Unsplash

They are used to making decisions, thinking, acting thoroughly and taking risks.

They are not always in a good mood and have a habit of not putting up with any nonsense. They communicate their truths as final decisions and act arbitrarily without first consulting with anyone except their heart and conscience.

And when they make mistakes, they need to isolate themselves and process their emotions and calmly analyze their actions. They will not seek help until they are sure they have done all they can and are at a dead end. In any case, they appreciate support and comfort, tenderness and understanding.

Strong women have a problem with men.

There aren't many strong men. Men who are honest, who know how to express their feelings, who don't need to lie to protect their privacy. Those who are complete and aware, responsible and satisfied with themselves. Those who do not feel threatened by a strong woman because they are also strong and because this strength allows them to be true, open, clear, self-confident and unambiguous in their demands.

Strong women deserve men who know what they want.

They don't have time for games because they've already been hurt. They don't have time for toxic and doomed relationships. If a strong woman has feelings for you and wants to be with you, she will tell you. If you don't want it, she will accept it. And she'll respect you for being honest, because she always wants to know what you're up to, even if she doesn't like the answer.

Don't play with her feelings, respect her independence.

Accept that she has her own life, just like you have yours, respect her boundaries. A strong woman deserves a man who supports her, who doesn't sabotage her, who knows and loves her. Are you that man?

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