
Suck.Uk - Laptop cat scratcher is the world's first cat laptop

Scratcher Suck.Uk

Cats hate it when we humans use the computer because it distracts us from the purpose of our existence - to serve them. That's why they always hang around us. What can one do in such a case? The solution is the Suck.Uk scratching post in laptop form! A cheap solution that serves as bait. Because, would you rather pay a few hundred euros to insure your computer equipment or would you rather shell out 31 euros for a "pr(ask) carrier"?

They are scratchers an ideal place for your cats to play. No wonder there are whole scratching castles where cats can sharpen their claws. But of course they like to do it everywhere else as well. Not because they would be destructive, but because that is completely theirs natural behavior with which they shorten and sharpen their claws and mark their own territory, as well as to stretch their muscles. And why do they like laptops so much? Maybe because they steal the owner's attention, which he neglects because of them the sacred duty of serving cats, maybe because they are pleasantly warm and vibrate slightly due to the processor and fan. We don't know exactly.

READ MORE: Cats who master hide and seek

The world's first cat laptop.
The world's first cat laptop.

But we know how to protect your laptop from them and to have peace, when you're on it. Think about it scratcher Suck.Uk in the form of a laptop (made of durable cardboard), where everything looks like it does in the human world, except it is a scratch pad instead of a keyboard (tip: sprinkle it with catnip to increase the cat's interest in scratching). And yes, you can adjust the content on the screen (you print and slide behind the transparent protector) so that the cat will always have the latest operating system and new applications.

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