
Survey: Are Slovenians really open to new things?

The Mediana Institute's research, conducted in collaboration with the coffee brand Loka Special, reveals which prejudices, habits or reservations limit Slovenian consumers in accepting the new, different and better.

Mediana Institute's research gives us a good insight into the personal habits and attitudes of Slovenians towards innovations in leisure activities, food and drink, fashion and appearance, and shopping. 88 percent respondents admitted that they usually have a positive experience with trying new things, 72 percent also pursues life with challenges, novelties and changes, however, most would prefer proven things to risks and insist on their existing habits in various areas of life. 65 percent they trust the first impression, and almost half see changing established habits as a very demanding task.

Graph 1: Attitudes of Slovenians towards innovations

How self-confident Slovenians are when it comes to accepting and purchasing new products is shown by the data that 89 percent of respondents would make decisions based on their own preferences. It is joined by the fact that the majority (70 percent) of respondents like to try new products or services. However, it also means a lot to 73 percent respect for customs and traditions, that they grew up with. It is therefore not surprising that most would not switch grocery stores, even if family and friends shop at another; or changed her style of dress, regardless of the opinions of others and prevailing fashion trends. Established habits and traditions remain so deeply rooted in the hearts of Slovenians.

Graph 2: Attitudes of Slovenians towards testing new products and services

We are even more daring when it comes to drinking, as more than half of the respondents like to try new drinks. Not only alcoholic drinks - the data show that we are real coffee drinkers, too 84 percent of Slovenians drink Turkish coffee and more than half of coffee drinkers would be willing to buy a new brand of coffee to try new flavors and aromas. For 66 percent of the respondents, a recommendation from family, friends or acquaintances, the opportunity to test the product at the point of sale, and a campaign or benefit would be decisive.

Graph 3: Attitudes of Slovenians towards trying new food and drink

The blind test of various Turkish coffees, which Mediana conducted among regular drinkers of ground Turkish coffee at the beginning of this year, has already shown that Slovenian consumers are guided by established trends more than the taste or the coffee experience itself when buying coffee (Source: Mediana, 2020, Individual blind test on coffee consumers More at lokakava.si). Despite the fact that Slovenian lovers of Turkish coffee are the flavor no. 1 selected Loka Special homemade coffee, which is usually not their first or most common choice. At Loki Special, they are based on the results of the blind test and the obtained title "flavor number 1 as chosen by Slovenian coffee consumers" they are very proud and therefore tell all coffee lovers that good coffee is not only recognized by its appearance. And many things are not as they seem at first glance.

So let's shake off our prejudices and give new things a chance!

Kava Loka Special

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