
Spend a camping trip without a scandal: 5 habits you should never do in campsites

Photo: envato

Camping is great, but there are some things that are not acceptable in campgrounds. Behavior, habits, etc. it's good that every guest of the camp can enjoy a well-deserved rest without being spoiled by a rude neighbor.

Camping is a fantastic way to reconnect with nature and release the stress of everyday life, but when a neighbor practices one of the habits that are not acceptable in the camps, perhaps camping is anything but relaxing.


One of the cardinal sins in camping is excessive noise. Whether it's loud music or noisy conversations late at night, this kind of rudeness can quickly sour the vacation of other campers. Remember that others may be looking for a quiet escape, so be careful not to soak it all in and consider the hours when quiet is desired.

Photo: envato

Ignoring boundaries

Respect for personal space is crucial when camping. Disregarding the boundaries of individual plots and moving equipment to neighboring areas can be a gross intrusion into the privacy of neighbors.

Leaking garbage

Leaving a campsite full of trash is not only rude, but also unfriendly to the environment. Always clean up after yourself and dispose of waste in designated containers. Keep nature clean, so that others can also enjoy it.

Lack of control over pets

If you're camping with pets, it's essential to keep them under control at all times. Dogs on the loose, excessive barking and dogs wandering around other pitches are anything but pleasant for other camp guests. As the owner, you are responsible for your furry friend, as well as for his behavior.

Photo: envato

Disregarding silence

Many campsites require quiet hours early in the morning and late at night, and not observing these hours can disturb those who want to sleep in peace. During this time, make sure you don't make too much noise, even if you just park your car or go to the bathroom.

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