When the seasons change, it is also necessary to take care of the skin of the face. In autumn, we clean, refresh and nourish our face with a DIY organic face mask, after applying which our skin will glow with health!
Do you know the benefits of beauty sleep? If you find it hard to fall asleep after you've laid down in bed, check out our 10 steps to the best beauty sleep. A good sleep is not only necessary for well-being, but also for a good and fresh appearance.
Women always spend a lot of time grooming ourselves, for men. In doing so, we use a bunch of products that emphasize our natural beauty. And this is the first reason why cosmetic products saw the light of day. Speaking of beauty products, do you know what the most expensive beauty brands are right now? Not all brands are even super famous, but they are clearly a real gem. We present the most expensive brands of cosmetic products, which are apparently also the world's best makeup, available right now. PS: The article is a must-read for women, but it won't hurt men to skim it either - especially if they're looking for a gift.
Attention beauty bloggers! On Friday, October 2, 2015, a conference of beauty bloggers will be held at the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana for all blogging fans, where the participants will gain a lot of useful knowledge and advice, as well as learn tricks on how to write a successful and recognizable blog.
Yasmina Rossi is 59 years old. And despite her age, she is still in high demand in the fashion industry. Why? Because, hands down, she looks better than many sixty-year-old or even younger women.
Internet giant Google has revealed which beauty questions are the most common in their search engine. If you're at least slightly interested in beauty, beauty trends, make-up and body care, check if you're asking Google the same questions as other curious people around the world. Here are the most searched beauty questions on Google…
Ladies, it's time to ditch the blow dryers. Summer is the time when the air can dry our hair. This is precisely why summer is also the season for easy curls from the beach. Whether curls are barely noticeable or in full bloom, they all have one thing in common: structure. So how do you get easy bohemian curls from the beach?
The gap between the teeth, an asymmetrical face and unusual gestures are often key components of the special charm that accompanies unconventional beauties. Let's see which women have impressed with their "ugly beauty" over the years...
Bad photos happen, but there are a few simple tricks that will make any camera love you and make you look amazing in every photo. Pssst, models use them too, so if you haven't been photogenic so far, here are six tricks alpha m has prepared for you. Image Consulting, you will definitely be. And you won't have to worry about the lens anymore. You know, this fear smells like a dog and it catches you even more easily with your chin up, eyes half closed,...
Ginger is not only a healthy and tasty addition to dishes, but the fragrant tuber also has a beneficial effect on our well-being and beauty. Here are some reasons why ginger should become your number one beauty ally…
With the help of nature, Melvita has developed a beauty ritual for comprehensive facial care that brings noticeable results. It consists of simple but crucial steps that lead to naturally beautiful skin: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. Do you also want to beautify your skin?
Like any mother, Kate Parker loves taking pictures of her daughters Alice and Ella. Since she does this almost every day, it's no wonder that she managed to create a photo series in which she collected all the spontaneous photos in which the two cute girls radiate intense perfection through their imperfection. Here is the Strong is the New Pretty photo series.