How does nutrition affect health and aging? Do they accelerate biological aging?
Sugar is not only in desserts, it also hides in other foods.
If you've ever researched weight loss diets, you've probably come across the importance of protein. These not only help in maintaining muscle mass, but also reduce the feeling of hunger. But how much protein do you actually need to eat to see results?
Would you like to turn back time and slow down your aging? Health guru Ben Greenfield claims it is possible. With his innovative methods and the combination of ancient wisdom and the latest scientific findings, he reduced his biological age by as much as 17 years in just three years. His approach not only focuses on exercise and nutrition, but also includes emotional and spiritual health.
In the fast pace of modern life, we often reach for practical but unhealthy food. Many of these foods are saturated with sugar and salt, which can seriously harm our health. Although some seem innocent, experts rank them among the worst. Let's take a look at the five worst.
Does your astrological sign affect what and how you eat? Is astrology to blame for your constant chocolate cravings or can't resist crunchy snacks? Discover how the stars can affect your plate! What do you like to eat?
Wondering how Tom Cruise manages to look so youthful and fit at the age of 62? What is his secret recipe for youth? Tom Cruise's strict diet that apparently works.
The Huns are a people who have apparently discovered the secret of longevity.
Are you standing in front of the open freezer, wondering what to quickly make for dinner? The evening meal can play a key role in your fight against the pounds, but only if you choose the right food.
Are you also facing the problem of how to get rid of belly fat? You may have tried different diets and exercises but the results were not satisfactory.
Do you know what watercress is? If you haven't already, then it's high time you put it on your menu, because experts say it's the healthiest vegetable.
Snoring. Have you ever wondered if your diet affects how intensely you snore while you sleep?