We all dream of a fairy-tale, seemingly perfect relationship. Of course, perfection does not exist, but we can get closer to it by entering into a relationship with a person who is compatible with us and who is a good partner in all respects. But how to recognize such a person? We have prepared for you 7 signs that show that you are in a relationship with a great partner.
We would do anything just to achieve our goals. Some astrological signs are so eager to succeed that nothing and no one can stand in their way.
Why don't I have a boyfriend? Why am I alone? Here are the answers astrology has to offer to these questions.
Every love story is special and not every love can be characterized by the same characteristics, which is precisely the beauty of human relationships.
Breakups often bring many lessons. You look in different mirrors and you don't know what you see. Sometimes the best in you creates such a distorted image that your image in it looks like the worst version of you. Wondering who the person in the mirror is? What does this lesson mean?
Let me love you with all the baggage of the past, with all the confusion and uncertainty. Just let it go, and don't ask about the reasons.
I hate to admit it, but I still think about you. I still think about how we met on our first date.
Love is what we all need, what we all strive for and what we all hope for. Philosophers say it moves the world, but we ask you, does it move your world?
You fell in love with the wrong woman, man. Maybe by accident. Maybe on purpose. Maybe without thinking if this person is right for you. Maybe because you weren't thinking or because you didn't feel fear around her. Maybe because for the first time you let go of all restrictions and rules.
If someone doesn't love you back, they're not meant for you. Seems simple, right? But when the heart is involved - logic and reason no longer matter.
Does he like me? What does this look mean? Why doesn't he write me off? What game is he playing? What works for him? These are all questions that have troubled each of you at least once.
Choosing a partner is considered one of the most important decisions we face on our life journey. For some, it is one of the most beautiful experiences, but for many, it leads to frustration and despair, because they feel like they are getting attached to the wrong people every time. We asked what the experts thought: why do people choose certain types of partners and how can you finally decide on the one that will be right for you?