If you're in a relationship, you probably know that sometimes your partner prefers to stay silent rather than tell you a certain thing. But if he really, really loves you, he will trust you with these secrets too.
partnership relations
It's really hard to start over when you end a relationship with someone you really loved. You are grieving, but you convince those around you that you are fine and that you have already gotten over it. These actions of yours prove that the story is still not over for you.
In relationships, love usually comes first, then marriage, then a few years of rich sex life, and then slowly the situation starts to calm down. The amount of sex is drastically reduced or even zero. More and more couples these days find themselves in a relationship where sex is suddenly no longer present. You lie next to each other and ask yourself, is this normal?
The claim that married people live longer may even be true. And we reveal why. Your partner's disgusting habit is supposed to prolong your life.
These two types of sex are practically mandatory for all couples! Have you tried them yet?
We reveal to you 3 hidden signs of love. If you notice them in your partner, then make an effort for your relationship, because it is very possible that this is the love of your life.
Let's face it, most of us are very interested in how our partner experiences sex with us, what exactly bothers him and what exactly he likes the most. The fact is that we do not dare to ask him or her these questions. Luckily, we're bringing you new research that reveals how long men and women want their sex to last.
Although it sounds completely contradictory and almost unbelievable, research has shown that it is still somewhat true.
If you are sure that your evening together will be ruined by sloppily painted toenails, you have nothing to worry about. A man will never notice this during sex. Here are 5 things you need to pay attention to.
If you want a long life, we have the perfect recipe for you. A little for fun and a little for real: sex has a lot of positive effects on the body, among other things it is said to slow down aging. Although you won't live forever, even if you jump under the sheets several times a day, we reveal to you how much sex is necessary to at least slow down aging.
When a boy becomes a man! That's when he begins to perceive these 20 things in his head!
It very often happens that men lie around like wounded deer after intercourse and sometimes even fall asleep. Many women take it too personally and attribute the reasons for doing this to anything other than the actual reason. If you are one of them, read the article carefully, because you will realize that not everything is as black and white as it seems.