The actions we take unintentionally are usually the ones that break our relationship!
partnership relations
Although your partner is the most important person in your life, you must love yourself first. Only then will you be able to truly love him too. And if you succeed in this, you will also know where to set the limit and it will be clear to you what you MUST NOT do just for his sake!
What is the secret to a great partnership? Is there a recipe that all strong couples follow? What golden unwritten rules do they follow?
You mustered up the courage to ask the woman of your dreams on a date. You want to present yourself in the best light and get as much as possible out of your company, but you're terribly afraid of the uncomfortable silence and blockage in your brain. Experienced love experts are here to help, who have compiled a list of 30 questions you MUST ask a woman you like.
When you're on the hunt for partners, it's not just your inner and outer beauty that matters, but also how you smell. Do you already know what he prefers to feel on you? If this area sounds like science fiction to you, it's time to finally find out which natural hot scents drive men crazy. Best of luck!
Words are often empty, so it is extremely important to know how to express love in other ways. When "I love you" just can't get off your tongue for one reason or another, there are always other, even more beautiful ways to show affection - without words. You know, actions are worth more than 1000 words.
It is normal for men to have their secrets too, but they will never, really never admit these things to a woman!
2,000 men and women took part in the research, and they revealed what they most often lie about when it comes to sex.
Is it possible to remain madly in love even after ten, twenty or fifty years of a partner relationship? What do brain scans say?
Even in sex, there are some awkward moments – whether you and your partner are completely connected on an emotional level and ready for sex, you will inevitably encounter various awkward challenges that will make things less than sexy. But that's totally fine and part of the fun! The most important thing is to have someone who loves you by your side and the sex will only get better with time. What are 3 signs that your sexuality is healthy?
Most men know that there are certain erogenous zones on the female body, but unfortunately they have never learned how to "manage" them - and such a man CANNOT satisfy a woman sexually.
Chemistry is the basic building block of a relationship. Check if you have the right - and that fatal chemistry!