We all want to be happy. This is also one of the reasons why scientists are interested in the causes and supporting factors of a happy life. And quite a few important facts about happiness have already been discovered by science. One of these is what happy people have in common - these are the qualities that happy people have in common!
partnership relations
According to statistics, summer is also the period when most people decide to get engaged. If you too are thinking about asking your better half this fateful question, it is important to prepare well for this event. Read on to find out what are the biggest mistakes people make when getting engaged and how you can avoid them.
Summer also brings new possibilities in the field of love. It's time to reawaken that old spark that may have been hibernating for the past few months, or go in search of a fresh summer romance. Read on for ideas for a great summer date that's sure to get butterflies in your stomach.
Do you know what things you need to do as a newlywed couple to build a good foundation for your future together?
We've all experienced it. Someone hurt us intentionally or unintentionally. We try to minimize the pain as much as possible and deal with it. It's normal to be angry at the person who hurt us, but anger only makes things worse. And even if these people don't ask or don't deserve it, forgive them. Whether it's a family member, a friend or an ex-partner - you deserve inner peace, and you'll only get it if you know how to forgive.
Are there rules for a successful relationship between two? Scientists have analyzed strong and successful couples and found out which 15 things make them so successful.
If we have the feeling that we are tired and confused after contact with someone and we cannot determine exactly why, we are probably dealing with an emotional manipulator. Such people are all around us, waiting to get their next dose of feeling of power and control. In the article, we reveal what the typical behavior of an emotional manipulator is and what are the six typical patterns of his behavior in a relationship that can make us feel that something is wrong with us.