Women are often underestimated. They are fragile, but at the same time very strong. Their strength is not as obvious and visible as that of men, but it is one of the strongest things in the world.
partnership relations
Looking for universal first date tips? First impressions are important, but often when it comes to dating, they can be wrong. So how many times have you initially seemed completely different from who you are just because you panicked?
You showed me that I deserve much more than what you gave me!
The world of dating can be complicated, and it happens all too quickly that we start to wonder if our partner has the same feelings for us as we do for him - or if he sees us as part of his future, or just as someone he likes to spend time with moments.
For several astrological signs, the coming year will bring changes in the field of love, as well as in other areas. But if all you're focusing on is love, it's time to take the cards into your own hands and finally start winning!
I wish everything was different. I thought we'd find our way back if we just tried hard enough. If we fight hard enough. If we do our best.
Whether you and your partner have been in a relationship for a while or just started, you know that a relationship is based on mutual trust and respect. And from the very beginning.
When will you be reunited with your twin flame? Will it happen in 2023?
Do you sometimes feel that you lack tenderness and need more attention because your partner is too busy with other things? We would like to spend more quality time with them. Do you want their attention?
We enter into marriage with the desire and intention that it truly last for the rest of our lives. However, wishes do not always come true and no one can predict the future. In some relationships, problems arise that are insurmountable.
When your eyes meet... When they accidentally touch... No matter how hard you try, you can't hide it completely.
Suddenly there is nothing but cold silence from his side. Ignoring. When a man begins to withdraw, distance himself and act cold towards you, it is difficult to stay composed and maintain self-respect.