Love is a rainbow of kisses and tears. Hugs and days when everything is not as you would like it to be. And when it rains, storms rage, you are my umbrella. An umbrella that we hold together and with which we dance through the rain until the sun shines.
partnership relations
Have you ever thought about how jealous you are? Are you being overly suspicious? Do you not care what your partner does?
What is a mature man like? Given that men often remain childish for a long time, and women often jokingly say that even after decades of marriage, their husband has another child at home.
When we think of reading, most of us imagine an activity where we spend time in our own company. However, this is not always the case - there are many books that are meant to be read in pairs. We have prepared 5 books for you that you can read together with your partner and in this way connect and upgrade your love, understanding and everything else that can help you to have a solid, long-lasting relationship.
Could he be your father, if not your grandfather? He is having a mid-life crisis and wants to make up for what he didn't experience in his youth. Are you with him for the money? these and similar questions can hit you if you choose a partner who will be much older than you. Does it really matter how old he is? If you love and complement each other, that is enough.
For many people, a wedding is one of the most beautiful experiences in life and an official recognition of love with the one they love the most. However, at the same time, marriage is a very important decision that should not be taken before we have carefully considered all aspects of life together. We have prepared for you a list of 6 things that you and your partner must clear up before getting married.
Women are often overwhelmed by uncertainty and complexes that spoil the pleasure of an intimate act. Men tell you to relax and enjoy yourself, but he knows that you don't trust them at all.
Do you stay with your partner even though he doesn't believe in you, in your dreams? He reprimands everything you do. Does it reduce your value? Do you want him to support you, to see your potential and encourage you to achieve more instead of staying in the same place?
Even at the beginning of a relationship, we want to spend as much time as possible with our partner, and many people do not think that their chosen one also needs some time for himself. However, everyone needs personal space and time, and this does not mean that we do not love our partner or that we want to end the relationship. However, many people do not know how to articulate their desire, so we have prepared for you 6 signs that show that your partner needs more space.
If you've been in a long-term relationship, you know that it's impossible to never have an argument, no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, failed, and no matter how much you pretended not to be angry.
There was a breakup and your relationship ended. A relationship we call a relationship. But the relationship they developed still exists. You need time for it to disappear, to evaporate, to leave you alone.
Are you single and interested in how you could change your status in 2022? Check out what you need to do to make this change. Dating trends in 2022 will help you find the right person.