
Love can't hurt you

Photo: Meet Joe Black movie

Do you know what love is? Not just a word and its meaning that you read online. What is true love. Have you felt it yet?

Love should not hurt you, but make you happy.

Love should not confuse you. It shouldn't make you feel like you're not good enough. That you have to change to be worthy of her.

Love should not exist within frustration. Love is not a power struggle, it is not something to capture or chase. It's trust. It's the feeling when you know someone cares about you. Love is security.

Love does not judge. Love soothes. Love should protect you, stand up for you. To encourage tenderness, depth, passion. Love should be a safe place.

Love doesn't go away. Don't run away when things get tough. Love is stronger than anything you will ever know because it has the ability to overcome all difficulties.

Love is not fear or pain. Photo: Alexas Photo / Unsplash

Love does not give up. Always fighting.

Love never breaks you. Whoever loves or knows what love is, should know that love does not want to hurt anyone. Love does not want to tear anyone to pieces just because someone does not know how to love. Love shouldn't hurt you or destroy your soul.

No, love doesn't break you - love builds you. Love encourages you, inspires you to be exactly who you always wanted to be. Love should be the anchor of peace in your life.

Love should always be tender. Never forget that. Love doesn't hurt if, then, it's not love.

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